Friday, August 24, 2012

"I am a Transgender" ~ plight of transgenders in the society

 "I am a transgender"
"I want to be treated equally"
"State an acceptable reason to loathe me, or help me come out of my horrendous state"
                                                                                ~shrieks of a transgender

 Where is the equality, justice and the socialistic view of the country,

when the constitution conceits in providing all of them? What is the significance of fundamental rights,  when they aren’t applicable to all citizens of the country?!
The first and foremost question arises about  the fundamental right to life,
which includes right to live with dignity.

Are they granted the respect and reverence they crave for?

Transgender, in our society, encompass all races, ethnicity, religious and social classes,
yet, they’ve never enjoyed a respectable life, because of “what they are” and “how they are”.
They are subjected to confusions and anguish, resulting from the rigid, forced conformity
to sexual dimorphism throughout the recorded history. They are facing disparities linked to

societal stigma, discrimination, and denial of their civil and human rights. Discrimination against them have been associated with high rates of substance abuse and suicides,
and they are facing rampant discrimination in the areas of family life, social life, housing,

education, health etc.

They've been continuously subjected to hear and assimilate abuses from people about them. Their lives have always been subjected to abstaining from the colors of the world,
just because of the denial of social acceptance.
The society views them as eccentric characters, which wouldn’t fit into the prescribed
sanctimonious bounds.

The azure sky shrouds everybody, including them, but the entire spectrum of our visualization of the community crumbles around the connotations of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender. The queer thing about us, is when, we ourselves make laws to ensure respectable standards of living, and avert our eyes from seeing the denial of these rights to our own people. The feeling of despise towards them have reached such an extent, that, we have let them in the abyss of poverty, discrimination and disparities. If a person is seen consorting with them, the society seems to oppose the action, which leads to nothing, but wrenching their self-esteem from the roots.

Albeit unsolicited, as most of us may feel, we should give them an equal status and reverence they deserve. The feeling of unity must suffuse throughout the society.
Don’t sympathize, just empathize with them, and feel the smile glinting on their faces.
We can’t scurry the changes to arrive, but we can certainly, take a step forward to initiate a change. Innit?!

                                                                                             ---Sruthi Iyer

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