Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The same fight, worldwide - Transgenders

     We live in a culture of disrespect towards trans people, only compounded by laws on the books that fail to uphold justice equally. But this isn't just about a distant minority, the status of trans people in this country matters not only because we are a marginalized minority – though that is in itself significant – but also because it has broader implications for who we are as a nation. How do we treat each other? To what standard do we hold our government?

Transgender student Alex Sennello wrote about her experience of being a transgender high school student in the US. According to Sennello, schools aren't doing enough to protect students like her – and broad anti-bullying campaigns have oversimplified the unique challenges facing transgender students:

"Only when schools are committed to an overhaul will we stop seeing sexually and gender diverse young people harassed and marginalized. Students like me need be able to walk into classrooms where their gender identities are not assumed; find textbooks that include their history; listen to lessons that recognize their existence; use the bathroom without feeling scared or disingenuous; and have their peers, teachers and administrators understand that the identities and experiences of queer people are natural and valuable." 

The fight is the same worldwide. Join our visual campaign - Rainbows are Real.

( excerpts from www.guardian.co.uk.)

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